Urology Department
The Urology Department is equipped with modern medical equipment and highly trained medical staff. The diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that can be performed in the Clinic, cover the entire spectrum of urological diseases.
Specialized clinics operate on a daily basis for the better service of patients (prostate diseases, erectile dysfunction and infertility, gynecological urology, urinary incontinence).
The following diagnostic urological examinations are performed in the Urology Department on a daily basis: urethrocystoscopy, ureteroscopy, ureteral catheterization and ascending pyelography, ultrasound guided prostate biopsy, urodynamic study.
Prevention – Diagnosis – Treatment
Neoplasms of the Urinary Tract
Special emphasis is placed on oncology, focusing on early diagnosis and early and correct treatment.
All procedures of modern surgical oncology are performed:
Transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TUR-T),
radical prostatectomy,
radical cystectomy,
radical nephrectomy,
partial nephrectomy,
radical nephroureterectomy,
radical orchiectomy,
radical penectomy.

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Open – transcystic prostatectomy and transurethral prostatectomy (TUR-P) is performed, either with the classical method or with the new, fast and safe TURis method (removal and vaporization of the prostate with plasma and bipolar energy).
Urinary tract lithiasis
Modern endo-urological techniques are applied (ureterolithotripsy, cystolithotripsy) using laser, which result in safe and effective fragmentation of stones, without the need for open surgery.
Urinary tract infections
Particular emphasis is placed on early diagnosis in order to ensure proper treatment and prevention of recurrences.
Urinary incontinence
The specific bladder filling or emptying dysfunction is not exclusively due to an abnormality of the urinary system. It may be the clinical manifestation of a neurological condition, injury or even a congenital abnormality.
The diagnosis of the type of incontinence is made by urodynamic testing, a painless, short-term test that mimics urination.
The treatment of incontinence, both female incontinence (with the placement of TVT) and male incontinence (with the placement of an artificial sphincter) is performed in our clinic. Cystocele and pelvic floor prolapse are also treated with mesh placement.
Erectile Dysfunction
Emphasis is placed on the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction with medication or surgery (placement of penile prosthesis). Plastic restoration of penile flexion is also performed.
Procedures for General Urology diseases
In General Urology all procedures are performed, such as:
Short bridle plastic surgery
repair of varicocele, hydrocele, inguinal hernia
testicle biopsy
valvar biopsy
placement of testicular prothesis
plastic pelvic-ureteric junction
internal urethrotomy
treatment of ureteral strictures.