Medical technology Equipment
Cutting Edge Technology
The technological infrastructure and equipment available at Therapis General Hospital, is supported by a team of highly specialized doctors, assisted by the experienced nursing and paramedical staff. Our vision is to offer high-quality health services with respect and responsibility to the patient, at an affordable cost.
Therapis is a leader in the adoption of digital technologies for all procedures, from admission to discharge.
The attending physician is able to have access on test results and medical file remotely, in real time.
5th generation operating theatres is a significant advantage, according to which, the digital technology allows the rapid transmission of patient examinations and enables surgeons to receive through the PACS system all the necessary information needed during the operation.
Because of this, we may store all data and procedures performed by the surgeons, in the patient’s digital file.

Our premises were completely reconstructed during the period 2018 – 2020, creating a modern six-storey building with 82 nursing beds, excellent hotel infrastructure in functional and fully equipped patient wards.
The building was redesigned by a specialized design team, so that it is “user and visitor friendly” and totally meet requirements set by the state.
Environmentally friendly materials have been used (most of them recyclable), with low energy requirements, complying with all established safety standards.
The choice of colors and lighting aims at the creation of a pleasant atmosphere for patients, escorts, as well as for the employees.
The operating theaters are preconstructured and lined with materials chosen for their unique antimicrobial properties, combining the high aesthetics with the safety for patients and doctors and surgery staff.
Rooms & Equipment
The pleasant stay of each patient admitted for hospitalization in a modern and comfortable environment is our main task. Modern facilities, fully equipped rooms, as well as high-standard catering, ensure comfort and quality, from the moment of admission up to discharge.
Room Equipment
• Lighting control system
• Nurse call button
• Bed adjustment control panel
• TV
• Unlimited free Wi-Fi connection
• Phone connection
• Air Conditioning
• Secretarial support services (upon request)

Upon arrival at Therapis General Hospital, you may admit to the Reception & Patient Services Department located on the ground floor.
Patients are kindly requested to admit at the hospital at least 1 hour before a scheduled surgery, in order to allow for adequate time for admission procedures, before they are guided to their room.


In order to receive a copy of the patient’s medical record, a written and signed application is required.
The medical file is confidential. In order to have it delivered, the demonstration of the patient’s ID card or passport is required.
In case a relative or patient guest wishes to receive a copy of the patient’s medical file or examinations, they have to present a relevant authorization from the patient.
Information regarding the patient’s hospitalization and health condition is given only by the attending physician. No medical or other personal information is provided over the phone.


Therapis General has undertaken the creation of a new innovative Health Plan which you can acquire for a low annual charge, offering multiple benefits for you and your family.
Through this Health Plan, some services are provided completely free for those who choose them.
The owners of the Health Plan obtain the “Privileges Card”, which includes Free and Discounted benefits. The same applies to dental benefits provided by affiliated dentists who are contracted with the Clinic.
All the benefits of the Health Program are integrated into an electronic card, which the customer acquires upon signing the contract.
For more information, please contact us, so that a specialist advisor can inform you.

The PATIENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT, is always available to facilitate the patient throughout his stay in our facilities.
The PATIENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT provides the necessary guidance and effectively manages all formal procedures, in collaboration with all the involved medical departments and services of Therapis General.
Its purpose is to create a feeling of comfort and safety for the patient and strengthen his trust in the services provided.



The THERAPIS GENERAL specialized team, may undertake the task to cover the needs of patients who either cannot move, or need recuperation at home.
Through the advanced technology, our medical team can effectively deal with both common and more complex medical cases in both the therapeutic and diagnostic fields of medicine, at your home.

Visting Hours
Visiting hours for in-patients of the Clinic is 11:30am – 13:30 p.m. and 17:30 p.m. – 21:00 p.m. daily.
Visiting hours for ICU patients is 12:00 – 12:30 & 18:30-19:00 (After consultation with the head of the ICU)
• It is strongly recommended that simultaneous presence in the room of more than one visitor should be avoided.
• During night time, only one escort is allowed to stay in the patients room, following the permission by the Head of Nursing. This rule is not applicable for patients being hospitalized in single or lux rooms.
• During doctor’s visits or other nursing activities, escorts are kindly requested to remain in the guests lounge.
• Relatives and escorts are kindly requested to avoid visits in case they have symptoms of flu or other contagious diseases.
• Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of THERAPIS GENERAL HOSPITAL.